Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Spicy Crab and curly wurlys

Yes, more food. I do apologise if this has become an (almost) daily update of what I eat, but to be honest the middle bits are relatively dull.

In between eating my days go something like this:
- wake up, shower, leave flat
- get outside, realise I have forgotten umbrella, head back in - get umbrella
- put i-pod on, wish i-pod magically had new tunes added, skip tracks frantically to one I want to hear, find good track just as I get to traffic lights, press pause
- lights change, resume play
- arrive at work, wonder how I can look such a mess in only 25 mins. Try and remedy rain / sun damage
- get tea, spill the majority of it. Wonder why I seem to be unable to carry paper cups of tea without spilling them. Decide it must be a design fault - I was fine as a waitress
- tun on computer. Wait for it to start working, drink remaining (non-spilt) tea while waiting.
- email, write papers, print 'stuff', meetings,
- lunch
- email, write papers, print more 'stuff' meetings
- walk home (repeat i-pod routine), eat enormous amounts of food or pick up noodles and watch CSI.
- sleep

So, last night was NOT noodles and was in fact leaving do Number Three. (I should have said I was leaving earlier, is great for your social life). This was the turn of "Under the Bridge Spicy Crab". A frequently imitated restaurant, there are about five 'Under the Bridge Spicy Crab' restaurants in a row in Lockhart Road, Wanchai. I am assured we were booked into the best one.

It took us a few attempts to get to the right one but, as ever, the food was amazing. I'd go on and on about it but I've gone on and on about food a lot. Huge plates of delicious, fresh food. You get the idea. We had Blue Girl beer too, which for some reason amused me. I have no idea why, possibly drinking it makes it amusing. Who knows.

Anyway, I have nothing witty to say (tremendously disappointing) and there is a risk the canteen will close shortly causing me to miss my afternoon cup of tea. Which just can't happen.

Tonight is my last* night in Hong Kong. Madness. Where did the time go? And what shall I do as the last ever* treat? [Cue suspense]....

Oh, ps etc. Why curly wurlys? They were my leaving gift to the team. Can't believe they have never had them (I had three for breakfast yesterday). I think there will be a run on Tesco online overseas ordering now. Possibly.

*technically NOT my "last" night in HK.

1 comment:

  1. Is blue girl beer the HK beer equivalent of Blue Nun?? I hope so - that would amuse me somewhat..

