Sunday 4 July 2010

Home comforts

Well, I've spent pretty much the entire weekend either reading Private Eye (No. 1264, loving the cartoon bottom LHS p15) or watching West Wing. Am feeling much better, unless I move. This could be problematic on Monday as I'm pretty sure that, even thought I have my very own desk, bin and name place, lying on my desk will not be taken well. Maybe I'll just move v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.

I have resorted to ultra-cautious and have even cooked my dinner of 'rice + rice' in mineral water (this could be an expensive fad, the mineral water that is, rather than the rice). Overall I'm very much hoping for a speedy return to full health.

The benefit of an afternoon in did mean I got to catch up with lots of people through the marvel that is skype. Hurrah for skype. How does it work, nobody knows. But it does. Other than when the Internet connection breaks up, which is about every five minutes, but other than that its ok. Good.

So, lovely to hear your news and I'm pleased all is well in the UK. Given the prevalence of pro-democracy demonstration here I'm disappointed to note there have not been similar Cameron/Clegg poster-based disruptions but then you can't have everything. With Timesonline going to pay-per-view I am left with BBC news, which a week or so ago was reporting on a youth throwing a dog at a hells angel, in Germany. The 'chairs are bad for your back' article has been in the top 10 most read for days! Slow news week? My favourite headline today is "Schools 'recycle' poor teachers". This is quite a misleading headline, they do not actually make teachers into pencils or other "I used to be a teacher" based products. Just so you know.

Right, rice + rice it is for me, then bed. Fingers crossed for a dry Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I thought you always cooked with Evian .....

    I know what you mean about the news - my understanding of UK events is now similarly based around the BBC's 'leading' news events...

