Monday 28 June 2010

Amber Warning (not a song title)

Ok, so I've mentioned in passing a couple of times that it rains a bit here. You may have missed this, I've played it down a lot.

Well, today I arrived at work to be asked if I had seen the Warnings (I consider this to merit capitalisation). What Warnings you ask (I note a tone of concern in your voice, and I thank you for that). The Warnings that show on your tv screen. Ah, I've not watched tv...

Well, today we had an Amber Warning (rain was falling at >30mm per hour and there was a risk of flooding in poorly drained and low lying areas) and a Thunderstorm Warning (risk of thunderstorms, take shelter indoors during thunderstorms and avoid highly conductive objects).

So there you go! I started wishing the building could not easily be dismantled... (I've told you the dismantling story, right?)

So far as I have established rain Warnings can be Amber (floods), Red (bad) or Black (very bad, you don't have to go to work - mostly due to you being advised not to go outdoors). Wind alerts are based on numbers (I think 3, 5 and 8. 8 being really bad - again do not leave the house). Thunderstorms appear to be a bad thing generally. Particularly when combined with rain or wind. Watch out for them.

New google favourite for me it is - the Hong Kong observatory! Please send dvds - I think I'm going to be indoors a lot!

It was actually quite scary and I sonewhat wished I had never been made aware these Warnings existed (I acknowledge this is possibly not the safest option, but still, it has merits). I am sure you will be pleased to hear though that the Warnings were removed and I am home safely. I must enquire about the level of insurance cover I have and whether I get danger money for this.

Great quote today from someone who has been here before (I am stealing with pride). "Nowhere to go when it rains for a social life except maybe Lan Quai Fong although you have to accept that it is full of 40 year olds pretending they are students again". This is entirely correct. Dvds please!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. I don't like these warnings you speak of. Surely Amber means plan exotic holiday somewhere warm with no floods, Red means book tickets for said holiday whilst Black means if you are not on the plane already you need to do so immediately...?

