Thursday 24 June 2010

When it rains it pours...

I can honestly say I have never in my life seen such sheets of rain as those that came down this morning. I stepped out of the house and instantly (despite new super-sized umbrella) I had wet feet. Hmm. Great way to start the day. I actually wondered if this was some form of punishment for my 'late' night watching the football.

I then discovered that when it rains it takes materially longer to get to work as navigating your way through the puddles (I use the term lightly, some would have come up to my knees) and the umbrellas means slow progress is made.

I had joked about buying wellies before. Today I discovered that all sensible women wear wellies or flip flops (this only makes sense when the rain is warm which is hard to imagine I know) and keep their shoes and stockings in the office. This assists in the getting to work and not freezing from the air con / wet shoe combo on arrival. Note to self, go buy wellies.

On my way home it was dry as a bone, not a spot of water to be seen. Incredible!

And I'm told this is just the very start of monsoon season. Mum, I take back all the 'plastic shoes' comments...

1 comment:

  1. You poor thing! But welcome to the synthetic shoe brigade - I believe you saw a Stella whilst out there......

