Thursday 12 August 2010

I'm a celebrity...

...get me out of here!

Ok, so that is a little over dramatic. I'll explain.

Firstly, in HK if you're not someone you must be no-one. EVERYONE has a VIP card or three, as a minimum. Even your bank card makes you entitled to 'VIP' discounts at one shop or another. Clubs, restaurants and bars are members only. At Prada, if you spend more than GBP25,000 per year there you get 10% off everything you buy. (Even I know that's not a discount worth having!)

However, having waxed lyrical about all that is good and interesting about HK there are a few things that are beginning to get to me (cue Snow Patrol). Now don't get me wrong. I'm not spending my days singing along to Ugly Kid Joe but there are a few things that are genuinely starting to get to me.

Top three:
1. Burping - culturally acceptable and a mechanism of expressing appreciation for a good meal, but genuinely please talk me through why I have to spend my afternoons listening to a chorus of burps.
2. Slurping - again culturally acceptable, but didn't your mother always tell you to sip your tea nicely?
3. Queuing - the lack of. No one queues. A queue is a competition to see how many people you can walk into / over in a campaign to get to the front. Whatever the cost.


So, have decided to take a weekend mini break. It was that or anger management courses and those are rarely run in beautiful hotels with a view.

1 comment:

  1. I refuse to accept that burping is ever culturally acceptable (unlike a 10% Prada discount, which is always acceptable).

